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DirectFit Phone Mount - Subaru Outback/Legacy (2015-2019)

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  • $50.00
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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Greg S.
Perfect fit and easy to install

Perfect fit for my Subaru Legacy. Install was super simple and the video instructions were right on point.

Now you need to make one for my Ascent.

Alex R.
My 13 year old daughter did the install!

So I bought my 16 year old a 2015 Subaru Outback and sent her and her sister the YouTube video of the MagSafe mount install so they could see the process. The moment it was delivered I received a call at work telling me they pulled the trim piece off, unscrewed the 2 screws and wanted to know how hard to press the tabs to get the hvac controls out. They did not wait for me to get home and completed the install by themselves. Their prior construction experience is Lego and they don’t know anything about car maintenance. Mount is discrete and solid. We are very happy.


DirectFit Phone Mount - Subaru Outback/Legacy (2015-2019)

Experience a secure, custom fit for your Subaru Outback or Legacy (2015-2019) with the DirectFit Phone Mount. Enjoy the freedom to position your device when you need it, knowing it will stay in place for the duration of any journey. An ideal companion for all driving experiences - from city streets to off-road adventures. Installation is a snap, using factory hardware for a simple no drill installation. Most installations take less than 5 minutes, and the result is the most OEM looking phone mount on the market.

  • Secure, custom fit
  • Easy installation
  • Perfect for any journey

Securely mount your phone in Subaru Outback/Legacy (2015-2019) with DirectFit Phone Mount.


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