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Direct Fit Phone Mount: Ford Transit Connect (2020 - 2023)

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  • $50.00
  • Regular price $50.00

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mixed quality and service.

The custom mount to the van and the instalation instructions were great, once installed the bracket is solid and subtle. However, the phone holder provided is defective and rattles around defeating the purpose of buying a high quality bracket. I have reached out to customer service for help with no response in several days. Very disappointed. Hoping the ball on the bracket is universal enough that I can find a different phone holder to mount to the bracket since I followed the instructions the discarded the original trim plate and screw when I installed the bracket.

Hello Ryan,

We are sorry you encounted an issue with your mount. We did reach out within 48 hours of you contacting us and 24 of those hours were a national holiday. If you are still having the issue please feel free to reach out to support as we have not heard back from you.


Fits: Ford Transit Connect 2020-2023

Finally a phone mount designed specifically to bolt onto your Transit. Unlike the universal vent mounts, stick on mounts or suction cap mounts, Course Motorsports's Magnetic phone mounts are vehicle specific and are designed to securely mount your phone in the most ideal location. Why compromise on a product that you will use every day.

Course Motorsports Direct Fit phone mounts are constructed with CNC cut and powdercoated vehicle specific brackets along with a CNC machined and anodized pivot ball. Finally a neodymium magnetic mount and steel pad will keep your phone in place for quick and trouble free mounting while you're on the road.

Installation is a snap. All Course Motorsports Direct Fit phone mounts are designed to use factory hardware for a simple no drill installation. Most installations take less than 5 minutes, and the result is the most OEM looking phone mount on the market.

Available with a non-charging magnetic head option as shown in the photos and installation video, the optional Course Motorsports Automatic Gripping Wireless Induction Charger Mount or Course Motorsports Magnetic Induction Charger - MagSafe Compatible.


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