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Direct Fit Phone Mount: Honda Accord (2013-2017)

  • Sale
  • $50.00
  • Regular price $50.00

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
James W.
Neat. Best option.

Nice fit. Phone in the best possible location. Worth the price.


The Honda Accord is a very practical car in every single way, ranging from gas mileage to storage space. The only feature that your accord is missing is a Direct Fit Phone Mount from Course Motorsports! This mount is the perfect solution for family trips, commuting to work or just being stuck in traffic. Why compromise on a product that you will use every day.

Our Direct Fit Phone Mount for the Honda Accord places your phone in the perfect location without blocking any controls or displays!

Installation is a snap (literally), taking just a few minutes using factory trim clips.

Course Motorsports Direct Fit phone mounts are constructed with CNC cut and powdercoated vehicle specific brackets along with a CNC machined and anodized pivot ball. Finally a neodymium magnetic mount and steel pad will keep your phone in place for quick and trouble free mounting while you're on the road.

Available with a non-charging magnetic head option as shown in the photos and installation video, the optional Course Motorsports Automatic Gripping Wireless Induction Charger Mount or Course Motorsports Magnetic Induction Charger - MagSafe Compatible.



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