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Direct Fit Phone Mount - Nissan NV1500/NV2500HD/NV3500HD 2012-2021

  • Sale
  • $50.00
  • Regular price $50.00

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jonathon D.
B- easy install

I like the idea and the bracket does put the phone in a great location but the thin metal bracket design allows the phone to shake under normal driving conditions due to the nature of the bracket material. I would add a stabilizer leg that rest on the dash to prevent road shake. I purchased this phone holder because I use the navigation on my phone and need it in a safe visible location to maintain safe driving habits. I find it makes me more distracted looking at it because of the shake I have to look at it longer to see what navigation is doing. Other than the shaking of the phone while in the holder it’s great. Please update and send me the updated version.


Course Motorsports Direct-Fit Phone Mount for Nissan NV

Keep your phone safe and secure while you're on the road with Course Motorsports' direct-fit phone mount for the Nissan NV.

This mount is designed specifically for the Nissan NV and features a powder-coated bracket that attaches to the factory screw behind the trim. The mount also features a CNC-machined and anodized pivot ball that allows you to adjust the angle of your phone for the best viewing position.


  • CNC-cut and powder-coated bracket for a secure fit
  • CNC-machined and anodized pivot ball for adjustable viewing angle
  • Neodymium magnetic mount or auto-clamping wireless charger
  • Simple no-drill installation
  • Keeps your phone safe and secure while you're driving
  • Allows you to easily access your phone while you're driving
Order your Course Motorsports direct-fit phone mount for the Nissan NV today and keep your phone safe and secure while you're on the road!

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