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DirectFit Phone Mount - Dodge Ram Promaster (2014 - 2021)

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  • $50.00
  • Regular price $50.00

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DirectFit Phone Mount - Dodge Ram Promaster (2014 - 2021)

Keep your phone securely mounted in your Dodge Ram Promaster (2014 - 2021) with the Course Motorsports DirectFit Phone Mount. Designed specifically for your vehicle, it offers a perfect fit by bolting onto the center dash using existing screws, avoiding the pitfalls of vent or suction mounts. Constructed with CNC cut, powder-coated brackets and a machined pivot ball, it ensures durability and optimal positioning. The neodymium magnetic mount provides a strong hold, keeping your phone accessible for both work and travel. Installation is quick and drill-free, promising an OEM-like finish. Available with optional wireless charging features, this mount combines functionality with convenience, making it an essential accessory for your Promaster.



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