H3R MaxOut 2.5lb Fire Extinguisher - Dry Chemical

  • Sale
  • $165.00
  • Regular price $154.95


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Fits well in my Ford

Fortunately, I have not had to use, so I can't speak to that. But the fit and look with the mounting system is great!


Dry Chemical fire extinguishers are prevalent in motorsport applications and MaxOut offers proven defense against flammable liquid fires without conducting electricity back to the operator - just the type of protection needed in an automotive environment. Never use water on a flammable liquid or electrical fire!

MaxOut extinguishers containing more than 1 lb. of agent are also rated for common combustibles like wood, paper, rubber, and some plastics. This added effectiveness makes them ideal for outdoor, marine and home use as well. 

For ease of maintenance, all MaxOut dry chemical fire extinguishers utilize free flowing and non-caking additives. 

Twice the size and power of the smaller extinguishers, plus an "A" rating for extra peace of mind. These proven ABC fire extinguishers utilize a specially fluidized and siliconized Ammonium Phosphate dry chemical. It chemically insulates Class A fires by melting at approximately 350°F and coats surface to which it is applied. It smothers and breaks the chain reaction of Class B fires and will not conduct electricity back to the operator.

  • Listed and rated by 1A:10B:C by Underwriters Laboratories
  • US Coast Guard approved with standard bracket (listed on UL label)
  • Rechargeable
  • 2 strap steel mounting bracket
  • 9' - 15' discharge range
  • High quality steel cylinders
  • All metal valve construction
  • Compact, lightweight, easy to use
  • 6 year limited warranty
Extinguishing Agent Mono ammonium phosphate
Agent (lb.): 2.5 lb
Gross Weight (lb.) 5.0 lb
U/L Rating 1A:10B:C
Height (inches) 14.8 in
 Width (inches) 4.5 in
Depth-diameter 3.0 in


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