Mechanical Phone Cradle (Non Powered)

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  • Regular price $25.00


Much like our Autogrip wireless charging cradle, this non powered cradle will keep your phone in place on your Course Motorsports Direct Fit mount over any terrain.  If you prefer to charge with a cable or need a cable plugged into your device for things such as Carplay than look no further!  This simple and easy to use cradle fastens to your existing 17mm aluminum ball that is included with all Direct Fit Kits.  It allows you to hold your phone securely without the need of power.  Simply depress the button on the back of the cradle to release the arms.  You can slide your larger phone in from the top or just simply place the phone in the cradle from the front.  The arms are tapered to create a wedge and keep your phone in place by simply squeezing them against the phone.  Just depress the release button again to release your phone.


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