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Rennline ExactFit Phone Mount - BMW X3 (2003-2010) E83

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  • $65.00
  • Regular price $65.00

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Rennline ExactFit Phone Mount - BMW X3 (2003-2010) E83

Introducing Rennline's ExactFit Magnetic Phone Mounts the perfect phone mounting solution. No more flimsy mounts or damaging attachments to your vehicle's interior. Our tailored mounts fit your specific model, installing easily in minutes. Built with durable metal components for long-lasting reliability and an OEM+ appearance.

  • Available with a standard magnet or induction charger with MagSafe compatibility
  • Only vehicle specific phone mount on the market for European car makes
  • Re-uses OEM hardware where applicable (depends on vehicle application)
  • 17mm aluminum ball mount (compatible with any accessory that uses same diameter ball)
  • Mount bracket constructed of 20-gauge steel and powder coated satin black.

Secure your phone with Rennline ExactFit Phone Mounts and enjoy a seamless, stylish, and functional experience.


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