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Rennline ExactFit Phone Mount - Volkswagen Beetle (1958-1967)

  • Sale
  • $65.00
  • Regular price $65.00

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Rennline ExactFit Phone Mount - Volkswagen Beetle (1958-1967)

Introducing Rennline's ExactFit Magnetic Phone Mounts for your Volkswagen Beetle (1958-1967). Say goodbye to flimsy mounts and interior damage. These tailored mounts fit your specific model and install in minutes. Crafted with durable metal components, they offer long-lasting reliability and an OEM+ appearance. Choose between a standard magnet or an induction charger with MagSafe compatibility.

  • Vehicle specific phone mount
  • Re-uses OEM hardware where applicable
  • 17mm aluminum ball mount
  • Mount bracket made of 20-gauge steel

Securely mount your phone in VW Beetle (1958-1967) with Rennline's ExactFit Phone Mount.


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